Friday, November 19, 2010

Excuse me...That's my &*$# your touching....

I absolutely love the American revolt around the new TSA procedures involving full-body scans and pat-downs. This says more about the political climate of America today than the Tea Party movement.

I have to say that I am stealing come material from Cafe Hayek, but this change in not about providing 100% assurance that no one is killed by a terrorist with an airplane. As Russ says, if that was the case then the government would just ban flying.

Airlines have a lot to lose if people do not feel safe on airplanes. They have the financial incentive to find the right balance of security and discretion. Too much security and people will pick another airline. To little discretion and people won't feel safe and pick another airline. The TSA is trying to impose more bureaucracy on an agency that is already bloated and ineffective (how about those puffer machines any one...millions down the drain) with no idea whatsoever about the costs they impose (just look at your tickets taxes the next time you fly).

American should revolt and push back on these new procedures. They are an infringement on privacy and liberty. If people don't feel safe, they won't fly. If airlines can't provide the right level of safety, people won't fly. The current TSA policies are not market based. These ideas are big-brother based where a few do-gooders are imposing their own ideas of safety on the public.

It won't stop here. The bigger government gets, the more do-gooders will impose there will on the public. Before long, people won't have their own choices to make, the do-gooders in DC will be doing that for you. There will also be times when do-gooders conflict with other do-gooders as more and more people want to impose there will on you. How about one part of the Dept of Ag giving away cheese (who doesn't what to help the down trodden Dairy Farmer) while another dept, within the Dept of Ag, decries the fat content that Americans consume (who wants to have all these obese Americans).

There is no doubt in my mind that all these d0-gooders want to make America a better place (at least what is better in their mind). Better for me is to let me (and others) choose what airline has the balance of safety I want. Better for me is to let me decide what I want my America to look like. Chances are that is a much different vision America than that of many other folks. That's what makes America great and that my friends is what Liberty looks like.

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